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Saturday, January 15

11th & Missouri Street- possible domestic disturbance- caller can hear it, but doesn't know exactly which apartment it's coming from. Oh, yeah, and the guy is drunk.
Seizures at west 25th Court, medics en route
Theft on Redbud Lane....

Nothing good ever happens on Redbud Lane
attempt to locate- 1600 Haskell, "things in the air"
SERIOUSLY.....request to speak to an officer at the Lawrence Suitel- caller is upset that a car with an offensive bumper sticker is parked close to his room that "he works very hard to pay for".
I am dying to know what the sticker says....
1000 Block of tennessee- possible water main break....great- the freezing temps will turn that into an ice skating rink for the drunks doing the walk of shame in the morning
medical call to west 31rst- i think i heard it was for vomiting...anyone else hear it?

Lost e-mails!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone has e-mailed me and i have not responded PLEASE try again- i have just discovered that some of your e-mails have gone to my junk folder and were probably deleted...I answer every single e-mail- even the hateful please, try again.
check welfare at Riverfront Plaza- guy called and said he needed help- but he wouldnt say where he was ar why.
residence check on north 1500- residence has an open door....obviously not their policy.
dead deer in the road 300 block of north 1500 rd- still frozen, probably.....venison?
non-injury accident- parked car on the corner of valley lane and university drive appears to have damage- parked omn the curb

An end to the rash of car thefts...maybe?

This is a link to the story that references the dirtbag who has been stealing cars all over town...scroll down the comments and see the research from yours truly!
didnt catch the address- but there is a mom out there who is pretty pissed off that her son has the car...and she wants it back.
Ousdahl Rd- medical call for a subject who has fallen....and can't get up.
alarm at Crown Chevrolet and Toyota
theft- wal-mart- theft of a wallet.
17 east 7th- someone is sleeping in the snow.
1129 Conneticut- medical call of unknown nature
2100  Delaware Street- theft of a tag- well, at least they left the car.
This is an odd one; Dillons on 6th- some dude keeps pulling up and parking with all 4 tries on the sidewalk, the employees will go out and ask him to move- and he will, but then will pull back up and park on the sidewalk. Has been going on for 4 hours.
Maybe someone getting picked up on Harper Street- no more details will be given. Dnt want to give her a head start.
attempt to locate a Mercury Topaz at 21rst and Mass- vehicle "all over the road"
2559 Redbud lane- caller can hear subjects yelling at each other. If someone would've called the cops EVERYTIME they heard me and my ex yelling......well, I might as well live on redbud lane.

Nothing good ever happens on Redbud Lane
Ash street- 3 kids approx 11 years old asked someone for that really a jailable offense?
suspicious activity at the clinton overlook near shelter 1- old guy in a truck is watching children....good job on calling that one in. Not taking ANY chances...
Michigan Street- a "wanted person"- in reference to a domestic disturbance last night.
east 13th street- noise complaint.
Found billfold at 26th and Redbud Lane.....I bet you dollars to donuts there is no cash in it.
Smell of natural gas at art and design- caller smelled gas last night by the soldering station. sigh......
Runaway on Lindenwood-girl with a ponytail headed northbound.
1222 Almira Ave-"odor" , I am assuming it is a natural gas odor- we can only hope.
found propety on Ash Street in Eudora- set of keys.
north 1550 and east 1625 rd- red car in the ditch- no driver around